Objekt orientiertes Design mit Lingo
was die virtuelle Sekretäirin sonst noch so kann,
z.B. Visitenkarten gestalten, einen FontViewer starten, also lauter kleine nützliche Tools die ich für den Schreibtisch brauchte
Sortier-PRG (hier Phönix 1.01)
Umrechnungs- Programm für Honorar mit 33% bei 7%
HTML EDITOR Abhandlungen / Handler
--M.Media1996 --HTM fuer Heimanwendung -- GRN 2000 on startMovie-- put "start_HTM_" into field "NList" put "" into field "SUM" put "400" into field "DIV" put "Name of Rearpict" into field "REAR_NAME" updateStage end startMovie on FLASH set A = the text of cast "f1"--HEAD set vText = (A)-- set B = the text of cast "BILD" --Bild Name set vText = (B) set L = the text of cast "width" set vText = (L) set C = the text of cast "f2" set vText = (C) set N = the text of cast "hight" set vText = (N) set E = the text of cast "f3" set vText = (E) set F = the text of cast "f4" set vText = (F) set I = the text of cast "f5" set vText = (I) set K = the text of cast "f6" set vText = (K) set Q = the text of cast "f9" set vText = (Q) put ""&string(A&L&C&N&E&B&F&B&I&B&K&L&C&N&E&B&Q) into field "formatiert" set Y = the text of field "COUNT" put "0"&string (Y+1) into field "COUNT" updateStage end FLASH on SUB -- infoSUB set A = the mouseH set B = the mouseV put the mouseH into VertPos put the mouseV into HortPos if VertPos > 0 and VertPos < 230 and HortPos > 328 and HortPos < 343 then -- start go to "tools" end if if VertPos > 0 and VertPos < 230 and HortPos > 344 and HortPos < 362 then -- start go to "Pattern" end if if VertPos > 30 and VertPos < 230 and HortPos > 226 and HortPos < 256 then -- start go to "s1" end if if VertPos > 37 and VertPos < 230 and HortPos > 362 and HortPos < 377 then -- b go to "f1" end if if VertPos > 37 and VertPos < 230 and HortPos > 378 and HortPos < 393 then -- c go to "f2" end if if VertPos > 37 and VertPos < 230 and HortPos > 394 and HortPos < 422 then -- d go to "f3" end if if VertPos > 0 and VertPos < 230 and HortPos > 0 and HortPos < 327 then -- start go to "start" end if updateStage end SUB on Zero set A = the text of cast "a"--HEAD set vText = (A)-- set Y = the text of cast "Y"--BGdefault set vText = (Y)-- set B = the text of cast "BILD" --Bild Name set vText = (B) set C = the text of cast "c" set vText = (C) set D = the text of cast "d"--NEXT set vText = (D) set E = the text of cast "e" set vText = (E) set G = the text of cast "g" set vText = (G) set I = the text of cast "i" set vText = (I) set K = the text of cast "K" set vText = (K) set L = the text of cast "width" set vText = (L) set M = the text of cast "m" set vText = (M) set N = the text of cast "hight" set vText = (N) set Q = the text of cast "q" set vText = (Q) set R = the text of cast "r" --SUB set vText = (R) set S = the text of cast "s" set vText = (S) set T = the text of cast "SUM" set vText = (T) set V = the text of cast "V" set vText = (V) set W = the text of cast "V2" set vText = (W) set X = the text of cast "w" set vText = (X) put ""&string(A&B&C&Y&E&G&D&I&B&K&L&M&N&Q&R&S&T&V&D&W&R&X) into field "formatiert" set Y = the text of field "COUNT" put "0"&string (Y+1) into field "COUNT" updateStage end Zero on calc -- calc set N = the text of cast "hight" set vText = (N) set Y = the text of cast "DIV" put ""&string (Y-N) into field "DIV" set T = the text of cast "SUM" set Z = the text of cast "DIV" put ""&string (Z/2) into field "SUM" set A = (0.5) set B = (0.25) set C = the text of cast "SUM"--Summe set vText = (C) set T = the text of cast "SUM" if the text of cast A65 contains ".75" then put ""&string (B+T) into field "SUM" end if if the text of cast A65 contains ".5" then put ""&string (A+T) into field "SUM" end if if the text of cast A65 contains ".0" then put char 1 to 3 of vText into field "SUM" end if if the text of cast A65 contains "." then put char 1 to 2 of vText into field "SUM" end if updateStage end calc on Chiffre -- info set A = the mouseH set B = the mouseV put the mouseH into VertPos put the mouseV into HortPos if VertPos > 0 and VertPos < 150 and HortPos > 226 and HortPos < 256 then -- start go to "Res1" end if if VertPos > 273 and VertPos < 315 and HortPos > 81 and HortPos < 115 then -- b go to "b" end if if VertPos > 0 and VertPos < 230 and HortPos > 0 and HortPos < 222 then -- start go to "a" end if if VertPos > 317 and VertPos < 358 and HortPos > 81 and HortPos < 115 then -- c go to "c" end if if VertPos > 361 and VertPos < 402 and HortPos > 81 and HortPos < 115 then -- d go to "d" end if if VertPos > 405 and VertPos < 446 and HortPos > 81 and HortPos < 115 then -- e go to "e" end if if VertPos > 449 and VertPos < 490 and HortPos > 81 and HortPos < 115 then -- f go to "f" end if if VertPos > 493 and VertPos < 535 and HortPos > 81 and HortPos < 115 then -- g go to "g" end if if VertPos > 537 and VertPos < 375 and HortPos > 81 and HortPos < 115 then -- h go to "h" end if if VertPos > 229 and VertPos < 270 and HortPos > 126 and HortPos < 160 then -- g go to "i" end if if VertPos > 273 and VertPos < 315 and HortPos > 126 and HortPos < 160 then -- j go to "j" end if if VertPos > 317 and VertPos < 358 and HortPos > 126 and HortPos < 160 then -- k go to "k" end if if VertPos > 361 and VertPos < 401 and HortPos > 126 and HortPos < 160 then -- k go to "l" end if if VertPos > 405 and VertPos < 446 and HortPos > 126 and HortPos < 160 then -- k go to "m" end if if VertPos > 449 and VertPos < 490 and HortPos > 126 and HortPos < 160 then -- k go to "n" end if if VertPos > 493 and VertPos < 534 and HortPos > 126 and HortPos < 160 then -- k go to "o" end if if VertPos > 537 and VertPos < 116 and HortPos > 126 and HortPos < 160 then -- p go to "p" end if if VertPos > 229 and VertPos < 270 and HortPos > 171 and HortPos < 205 then -- q go to "q" end if if VertPos > 273 and VertPos < 315 and HortPos > 171 and HortPos < 205 then -- u go to "u" end if if VertPos > 317 and VertPos < 359 and HortPos > 171 and HortPos < 205 then -- r go to "r" end if if VertPos > 361 and VertPos < 402 and HortPos > 171 and HortPos < 205 then -- s go to "s" end if if VertPos > 405 and VertPos < 453 and HortPos > 171 and HortPos < 205 then -- t go to "t" end if if VertPos > 493 and VertPos < 533 and HortPos > 171 and HortPos < 205 then -- v go to "v" end if if VertPos > 537 and VertPos < 670 and HortPos > 171 and HortPos < 205 then -- w go to "w" end if if VertPos > 229 and VertPos < 270 and HortPos > 217 and HortPos < 250 then -- v go to "x" end if if VertPos > 273 and VertPos < 315 and HortPos > 217 and HortPos < 250 then -- v go to "y" end if if VertPos > 317 and VertPos < 350 and HortPos > 217 and HortPos < 250 then -- v go to "z" end if updateStage end on stopMovie put "stop HTM_" into field "NList" end stopMovie
Entwurf michaelmahla